Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

Persistent block storage volumes that store data after power is shut off (non-volatile). Pay for what is provisioned. Each volume is automatically replicated within the AZ to protect from component failure (expected that EC2 instance is in the same AZ). Can change configuration while in production (volume type/size, IOPS).

Block Storage → Faster and uses less bandwidth, costs more than object storage.

Difference between block storage and object storage (This affects throughput and latency).

Difference between block storage and object storage (This affects throughput and latency).

Snapshots are incremental backups of EBS VolumesBacked in S3 and encrypted automatically (using KMS) and shareable between regions:

Encryption → ****No extra cost, encryption is in transit and at rest.



Cost Optimization

  1. Volumes → Storage is charged for amount provisioned until released.
  2. IOPs
    1. General Purpose SSD and Provisioned IOPs SSD → Charged for what is provisioned until released.
    2. Magnetic → Charged per request.
  3. Snapshots → Cost per GB stored per month until deleted.
  4. Data Transfer → Charged for transferred data across regions.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

It's a key-based object storage, stored in buckets, virtually unlimited storage, with buckets named universally unique and a single object limit of 5 TB. Stored redundantly across different facilities. Data is private by default, and can be encrypted in transit and/or at rest. Stored in minimum 3 AZs at the same time.