Shared Responsibility Model

Indicates which part of security AWS and the client are responsible for. The responsibilities are, basically:

Service Types

Types of services:

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Allows you to define users and the types of access they have → Free and global service.

You assign policies and credentials to each user.


IAM User → Person/application allowed to access the AWS account. By default NO permissions (Principle of Least Privilege).

IAM Group → Collection of IAM users granted the same access. Permissions granted by IAM Policies. Users can have multiple groups.

IAM Policy → Document that defines access to one/more services, independent of groups/users. Permissions defined here.

IAM Role → Grant permissions to add multiple permissions, useful for TEMPORARY uses.

Types of Access:

Authorization → Determine permissions user/service should be granted, after authentication.

IAM Policies


Wildcards (*) can be used to be more general.

External Federation

The user authentication is performed by an external system or Identity Provider.