Shared Responsibility Model
Indicates which part of security AWS and the client are responsible for. The responsibilities are, basically:
- AWS → Physical security of data centers, virtualization software, and infrastructure (regions, AZs, edge locations) → Security OF the cloud.
- Provide software security for clients to use.
- Client → Security IN the cloud → Application and dataset security.
- Patching/maintenance of instances.
- Application passwords, role access, and AWS account management.
- Security group and network configuration.
- Firewalls in OSs.
Service Types
Types of services:
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) → Customer has control of the service and is in charge of security and maintenance.
- Platform as a Service (PaaS) → Services that use infrastructure, but the underlying infrastructure is managed by the provider.
- Software as a Service (SaaS) → Complete software solution, customer doesn’t manage anything.
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Allows you to define users and the types of access they have → Free and global service.
You assign policies and credentials to each user.
IAM User → Person/application allowed to access the AWS account. By default NO permissions (Principle of Least Privilege).
- Unique name without spaces for each one.
- Has security credentials to use.
IAM Group → Collection of IAM users granted the same access. Permissions granted by IAM Policies. Users can have multiple groups.
- Useful to arrange groups by company sections and roles.
IAM Policy → Document that defines access to one/more services, independent of groups/users. Permissions defined here.
- Written in JSON, and can be explicitly deny or allow (by default all deny), if explicitly deny, doesn’t matter if allowed in other places.
- Types:
- Identity Based → Attached to IAM User, IAM Group, or IAM Role.
- AWS Managed → Created and managed by AWS. They scale well.
- Customer Managed → Created and managed by you. Customize policies to your needs.
- Inline → You create and manage, and it’s embedded into the user/resource/group directly.
- Resource Based → Attached to a resource, define access and what actions can be performed (only inline).
- WHO can access the resource.
IAM Role → Grant permissions to add multiple permissions, useful for TEMPORARY uses.
- 🌎 Global service.
- Can be assumed by a person/application/service.
- When the role is assumed, the user permissions are replaced by the role ones.
- You have to get permissions to assume a role.
- AWS Security Token Service (STS) to assume a role.
- Types of access control:
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
- Grant permissions based on job function.
- Grant role for specific combinations.
- Fine grained access control, but can be time consuming.
- Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)
- Permissions based on tags on resources.
- Policies are easier to write and combine.
- Tag the users and resource.
- Scalable and no need to modify policy when resources are created.
- Used to set up cross-account access to delegate access to resources and avoid creating users in other accounts.
Types of Access:
- Programmatic → Useful for the AWS CLI or AWS SDK. Access key ID and secret key.
- Management Console → Useful for the Web. Account ID (or alias), username, and password. Can use Multi Factor Auth (RECOMMENDED).
Authorization → Determine permissions user/service should be granted, after authentication.
IAM Policies
- Version → Version of the policies (
, old version is 2008-10-17
- Statement → Body of the policy, single or array.
- Effect → Allow or deny (default DENY). Deny >> allow >> default.
- Action → List of actions allowed/denied.
- Resource → List of resources the actions apply to (identified by the ARN, Amazon Resource Name).
- NotResource → Inverse case, effect applies to all the NON-specified resources.
- Condition → Conditions to be met for the policy to apply. If there are multiple conditions, IAM uses an OR to apply conditions.
Wildcards (*) can be used to be more general.
External Federation
The user authentication is performed by an external system or Identity Provider.